Bella Luna Bubble tea

Here's a guide to homemade bubble tea that'll put the stuff at the shops to shame
2 h 2Ingredients
- Boba
- Brown sugar
- 4 tbsp Earl grey Bella Luna
- 2 cups water
- Caramel syrup
- Half and half
Steep the tea, then leave in the fridge to cool. While tea is cooling, prepare boba according to instructions on package. This will take about 2 hours. Once the tea is cool and boba is made, cover the boba in brown sugar and mix a bit to dissolve the sugar. Add about 2 spoonfuls to a glass, then pour in some Caramel sauce (I used a 4 second squeeze). Add a scoop of ice, then pour in the tea and a splash of half and half. Give it a stir and enjoy!