Adagio White Eternal Spring Tea Macarons

Filled with a rich creamy White Eternal Spring Tea Custard and indulgent velvety smooth White Eternal Spring Tea buttercream these White Eternal Spring macarons are sure to be a hit at your next tea part, an extra special secret indulgent treat, or just simply a snack. With flowery notes and an undertow of fruit these macarons will impart the essence of life and beauty of spring with each bite. Winter is gone and, in its place, the eternal beauty of spring is here.
2 h 1Ingredients
- Macaron Shells
- 100 grams egg whites
- 100 grams granulated sugar
- 100 grams almond flour
- 100 grams powdered sugar
- 20 grams White Eternal Spring tea powder
- Optional food coloring or alternative coloring agent such as roses, hibiscus, butterfly pea flowers, spirilla, etc.
- White Eternal Spring Custard
- 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp cream
- 2 tsp White Eternal Spring tea in a sachet
- 20 grams White Eternal Spring tea powder
- 50 grams granulated sugar
- 2 large egg yolks
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp butter
- White Eternal Spring Buttercream
- 1 and 1/3 cups powdered sugar sifted
- 4 tbsp softened butter
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp infused White Eternal Spring cream
- 10 grams of White Eternal Spring tea powder
1. Before starting, prepare and measure out all ingredients and have them on hand at the ready. Prepare a large piping bag with a round fit tip. Additionally, a Ziplock baggie with the end cut off works equally as well.
a. White Eternal Spring tea powder can be made by grinding the White Eternal Spring tea using a mortar and pestle.
2. Line baking sheets with silicone mats or with parchment paper.
a. A silicon baking mat is especially easy to use if it has outlines. Additionally, it makes removal of the macarons easier.
3. Sift powdered sugar, almond flour, and White Eternal Spring tea powder together, then set aside.
a. If almond flour is too course to be sifted sift a bit of the powdered sugar, then sprinkle a bit of the almond flour over it. Repeat till all the powdered sugar is sifted. Then carefully and gently mix, trying not to compress the mix too much.
4. Place egg whites and granulated sugar in a heat proof bowl. Place this bowl over a pan with simmering water, medium to medium high heat will work. Make sure that the bowl is not touching the water. Whisk the whites and sugar until frothy and sugar completely melted. It will take a few minutes.
a. Egg white sugar mixture is done when you can run your fingers through the mix, and you do not feel any sugar granules. If you do feel some then keep mixing over the water bath till you do not.
5. Once egg white mix is done remove from water bath.
6. With a whisk attachment, mechanical mixer, or stand mixer start whisking the mixture on low for about 30 seconds. After 30 seconds gradually start increasing speed to medium. Whisk on medium until the mixture is white and starting to become fluffy, one to two minutes. Increase the speed to high and mix until stiff peaks are formed.
a. A good way to tell when the mix is done is once the mix gets glossy and you start seeing streaks are formed by the whisk. Stop the whisk and then pull your whisk up. The whip should form a peak in the form a bird’s beak shape which shouldn’t fall to the side but will form a slightly curved shape at the top.
7. Pour the sifted powdered sugar and almond flour mix into the stiff whites.
8. Gently fold the mix into the whites with a spatula.
9. If you want you may add food coloring at this point or an alternative color agent, if using.
10. Fold the batter till it is glossy and has a thick and flowing consistency.
a. To test the consistency and know when it is time to stop folding the batter you can pick up a bit of the batter and try to draw a figure 8 on the spatula. If you can form several 8 without the batter breaking up, then it is ready. Additionally, you can raise the batter up and let it fall off the spatula. If the batter falls at a slow constant speed effortlessly, like viscous raw honey, then it is done. Alternatively, you can take a spoonful and place it onto parchment paper. If the batter spreads out a bit but then stops and remains stable, then it is done.
b. You do not want over mixed batter or runny liquid batter. You may want to undermix and try and then mix more to achieve the right consistency.
11. Scoop the batter into the piping bag.
12. Orient the piping bag at about 90 degrees over the center of each macaron template, or where you will be piping. Apply equal pressure and carefully pipe till you have reached the desired size for your macron, piping for about 3 seconds will give you an average size macaron.
13. Once you have piped as many circles as you could, bang the trays against the counter a few times.
a. This releases any air bubbles that are in the batter and will prevent your macaron shells from cracking.
b. Use a toothpick to pop any air bubbles in the surface of the shells.
14. Let your trays sit for a while so that the shells will dry out. Time will vary depending on the humidity, but 20-40 minutes will usually be fine.
15. When the macaron is ready you will be able to touch the surface and it will seem dry and not sticky.
16. Pre-heat the oven to 325°F.
17. Bake one tray at a time.
18. Bake for about 6 minutes then rotate tray.
19. Bake for 6 more minutes and then rotate again.
20. Bake for one last time for 6 minutes.
a. Baking time will depend on the oven and elevation. 16-18 minutes is a good estimate. Rotate according to the total baking time so that each rotation gets the same amount of cooking time.
b. When baked, the macarons will have a deeper color and will have formed feet. The macaron shouldn’t feel jiggly. If the macaron is still jiggly, keep baking.
21. Remove from the oven and bake the other tray.
22. Let the macarons cool down before proceeding with the filling.
White Eternal Spring Custard
1. Place the cream in a small saucepan, add the White Eternal Spring tea powder, and bring the mixture almost to a boil, over medium heat.
2. Remove the cream from the heat and add the White Eternal Spring tea sachet to the cream. Let the tea infuse for 10 minutes in the cream. Then discard the sachet.
3. Remove 2 tbsp of the cream infusion and set aside to use in the buttercream later.
4. To the remaining 1/2 cup of infused cream, add 3/4 of the sugar, and place it back in the heat. Immediately once the sugar dissolves, remove the mixture from the heat. While waiting for the sugar to dissolve in a bowl, whisk the yolks, the remaining 1/4 of sugar, and the cornstarch together until the mixture is lightened in color.
5. Slowly add a bit of the hot cream and sugar mixture to the yolk, while whisking.
6. You are tempering the eggs by doing this so that they will not cook when added to the hot liquid.
7. Once the first bit of cream has been incorporated with the eggs, add a bit more, and do this until all the cream has been added to the yolk mixture. Then return the mixture to the pan.
8. Place the pan over medium heat and begin to stir with whisk. Whisk mixture vigorously while cooking.
9. Don’t stop stirring at any point, or the eggs will cook on the bottom of the pan.
10. Cook the cream for a few minutes. It will begin to thicken and look lumpy as you whisk. It will eventually become thick, look smooth and will be done. You will know when it is done when while you are whisking you create lines in the custard and it slowly fills in.
11. Once the custard is done immediately remove from the heat and stir in the butter.
12. Transfer the custard mix to a small bowl and cover with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. Place bowl in the fridge and allow to completely cool.
White Eternal Spring Buttercream
1. Sift the powdered sugar and tea powder together then set aside.
2. Cream the butter in the bowl using an electric mixer until light and fluffy.
3. With the mixer off, add the powdered sugar mix to the bowl.
4. Turn the mixer on low to incorporate the powdered sugar mix with the butter.
5. Once you see no streaks of dry powdered sugar mix, cream mixture on medium high for one minute.
6. Add vanilla extract and the reserved cream mix from the custard part. Mix to combine.
7. If the buttercream is runny, add a bit more sifted powdered sugar. If the buttercream is too stiff, add a bit of cream until you achieve the desired consistency.
To assemble
1. To assemble the macarons, pipe a ring of White Eternal Spring Buttercream around the edges of a bottom shell. Fill it with a bit of White Eternal Spring Custard. Top with another shell.
2. These macarons will store in the fridge. They will also freeze well.