Eternal Spring Meringue

Delicious little cookies that are excellent on their own or used to decorate other desserts. While the flavored sugar takes a long time, it's absolutely worth it.
10 m 10Ingredients
- 2 egg whites
- Pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 3/8 cup infused sugar (requires 3/8 cup sugar and some very strongly brewed white eternal spring)
- 3/8 tsp vanilla
For the flavored sugar, slowly add tea to the sugar until the texture resembles damp sand. Pack into a block, and let dry overnight. Then, crush it back into a fine sugar. Putting it in a bag and using a rolling pin works great, but make sure to sift out any chunks and crush them.
For the cookies themselves, start by mixing the sugar and cornstarch together in a small bowl. In a large, very clean bowl, beat the egg whites, salt, and vanilla until foamy, then slowly start adding the sugar mix. Whip until glossy and stuff, then put in a bag and pipe onto a baking sheet. They don't really expand, so you can fit a lot on one sheet. Bake at 225 for an hour, then turn off the heat. Don't remove the meringues until the oven has cooled completely.