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Win $50: March Madness, Go Bananas

We want you to go bananas this Marcha. Create a unique recipe featuring decadent blend Strawberry Banana Split for your chance to win a $50 gift voucher for Adagio Teas. Claim a free sample to start developing your recipes today!

Deadline is Mar 30, 2022 Winner will be announced on Mar 31, 2022

The Winner is:

Strawberry Semolina Banana Biscuits & Strawberry Banana Gravy

Brenda Watts TeaChef Level 1

Strawberry Semolina Banana Biscuits & Strawberry Banana Gravy

My family and friends love and enjoy this recipe I created. Your strawberry banana tea water add amazing delicious... view more

 Nobody tried it 25 m 6

About Brenda Watts

Happily married 40yrs. 3 grown children 5 grandchildren, cooking & baking. Plus sweet friends. My faith, family, friends& culinary skills are my loves & life.


Chai Concentrate for Lattes

K C TeaChef Level 1

Chai Concentrate for Lattes

A tasty spice infused base for chai lattes that will make your home smell like the holidays. I like to freeze the... view more

 Nobody tried it 30 m 4
Cooking is the ultimate giving. — Jamie Oliver

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