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Basil Tea

artikanti11 TeaChef Level 1

A soothing home remedy for cold or flu.

5 m 2


  • 8 fresh basil leaves
  • 2 tbsp. honey (preferably raw)
  • 1 c. boiling water
  • 1 green or black Adagio tea bag of choice


Place basil leaves in a glass measuring cup and add honey. Pour boiling water over all. Place a teabag in.

Steep 5 min. Stir and strain into a drinking cup.

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  • 
    Michael Jacobson TeaChef Level 1

    The basil was way too strong for me and I did a bit less honey than what the recipe called for. I might try this again with halving the basil, but it isn't a bad idea and could be a delightful tea to have with anise cookies or something of that sort.

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