Apricot Green Gummy Bears

Gummy Bears are the ultimate fun and tasty treat, but they can be high on the sugar side. In this recipe, we offer a healthier option by swapping out juice for Apricot Green and sugar with honey.
5 m 40Ingredients
- ½ c. water
- 4 tsp. Apricot Green
- 2 packets unflavored gelatin (.25 oz packets)
- 1 ½ tbsp honey (or to taste)
1. Steep the https://www.adagio.com/green/apricot_green.html Apricot Green into the water. Cool tea.
2. Combine tea, gelatin, and honey over low heat in a saucepan.
3. Once all gelatin is dissolved, transfer to a small measuring cup or batter bowl.
4. Pour into gummy bear molds.
5. Refrigerate for 10 minutes or until fully set.