Delicious coconut cubes

Coconut cubes are awesome in taste. Mouthwatering...
15 m 4Ingredients
- coconut powder- 300 grams
- milk maid -350 grams
- Hojicha brew tea-1/2 teaspoon
- almonds -6 pieces (finely chopped)
- pizza cutter-1 piece
- ghee -3 ml for greasing
- milk -one fourth cup(Add hojicha brew tea in it and keep aside)
Take a non stick pan. Heat the pan. Put milkmaid in the pan. Add coconut powder. Add milk of Hochija brew tea flavour. This tea helps to release stress. Mix all the ingredients well till it leaves the pan. Now take a flat square bowl grease it. Put the batter in the bowl equal it from the top. Sprinkle almonds. Use the pizza cutter to make cubes . "Delicious coconut cubes" are ready to serve. It gives awesome taste.