Bravo Summer Refresher

This Sweet Tea Refresher is a wonderful summer surprise.
15 m 4Ingredients
- 9 Cup Spring Water
- 4 Large Strips of Orange Zest
- 1/2 Cup of Turbinado Sugar
- 2 Tablespoons Bravo Earl Grey Tea
- 1 Quart Orange Sherbet
Bring Water, Orange Zest and Sugar to a boil and remove from heat. Add Tea leaves to water and allow to steep. Steep 5 minutes. Pour steeped tea into a pitcher through a strainer. Do not press tea leaves. Discard leaves. Allow to come to room temperature. After coming to room temperature place tea in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Place 2 – 4-ounce ice cream scoops of Orange sherbet in the bottom of the bowl of a wine glass. Fill to top with Earl Grey Bravo Sweet Tea.