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Kate Harper

user_76825 TeaChef Level 1

I call this "my Monsoon". It is an iced Lapsang Souchong milk tea with Ginger preserves and Jaggery (Indian sugar). It has one large ice cube (made of tea & Jaggery pre frozen) that slowly melts while you drink it. As the cube melts, the jaggery with infuse with the tea, so the tea changes with every drink. It also does not get watery since the cube is tea. This is a very large 20 ounce serving. Great for hot days.

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  • 3 Lapsang Souchong teabags (or equivalent loose tea).
  • 1/4 Cup of pre-made tea that is cool.
  • 1 T of Ginger Preserves
  • 1/4 Cup half and half
  • 1 tsp Jaggery
  • A 20-ounce mason jar or equivalent heat-resistant beverage glass.


I normally do 6 jars all at once and put them all in the freezer/fridge and drink them throughout the week. Note: This may sound hard to make, but it is incredibly easy to do in large batches. I do it about every 5 days -- I line up a bunch of jars on the counter.

For the Ice cubes: Freeze batches of jaggery ice cubes ahead of time. Do this by pouring 1/4 cup of cool tea inside small 1 cup wide mouth mason jars (or ice trays). Then drop or sprinkle the jaggery inside. Don't stir. Put in freezer with a tiny bit of a loose lid, and freeze until solid. The advantage of jars is the cube is bigger and will melt slower.

For the Beverage:

1. Brew 3 teabags in hot water for 5 minutes and a 20 ounce Mason Jar ( or something large that can handle heat).

2. After brewed remove the bags.

3. Put Ginger Jam into the hot tea and stir until it melts.

4. Once it is cool, but into fridge for later.

5. When tea is cold remove from fridge and also remove your ice cub jar from freezer.

6. Melt your ice cube jar under hot water just enough to loosen the ice so it can slip out.

7. Put large cube in tea (be careful not to splash)

8. Add Half and half.

If you drink it in a mason jar, one advantage is if you don't finish it, you can always put a lid on it and put it in the fridge until later.

This drink is great on really hot days. It's like eating a meal because it fills you up.

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