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I’m a Little Chocolate Teapot!

Vanessa Ronspies TeaChef Level 3

Cute teapot chocolate mousse Cake

1 h 4


  • 1 premade vanilla or chocolate cake
  • 1/2 cup White chocolate, melted
  • 1 cup Half and Half
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 Tbs. Sugar
  • 12 Oz. Dark chocolate, melted
  • 2 cups Heavy Cream


1) On a pan covered with Waxed paper, draw you spouts, handles and lid dots. Place this in the freezer to set.

2) In a pan, heat the half and half, egg yolks and sugar over low heat until thickened. Pour this over the dark chocolate and stir until it is all melted and combined.

3) whip the heavy cream to soft peaks and pour into the chocolate mixture. Mix until evenly combined.

4) Pour the chocolate mousse into appropriately shaped molds and freeze until set.

5) Cut the cake into circles the same size as the bottom of your mousse mold.

6) Unmold the mousse and place on top of the cake circles.

7) Apply the spouts, handles and top dots.

8) Serve and enjoy!

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